Wags Spring Issue submissions deadline
Please submit reports, stories or other items for the Spring Issue of Wags to co-editor Dianne Mackie
Please submit reports, stories or other items for the Spring Issue of Wags to co-editor Dianne Mackie
Blurb here about the upcoming election.
Please submit reports, stories or other items for the Summer issue of Wags to co-editor Dianne Mackie.
The Southern Alberta Wheaten Association is pleased to consider the judging of Wood Wornall, at the All Terrier Club of Alberta Group 4 Specialty show, held on July 29, 2016, as a booster for Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers. Prizes will be offered for BB, BOS, BW, WD, WB, BP, SD, & SB. Please contact Lana Campbell […]
Join us in Calgary for the 2016 SCWTAC National Specialty! Well known breeder judge Gary Vlachos (Brenmoor Wheatens) will be judging the regular & non-regular classes, and Helen Larson of Lasting Image Wheatens will be judging Puppy Sweepstakes. Further information on fundraising, sponsorship and the Specialty dinner available at www.albertawheatens.com. Premium list will be posted […]
Please submit reports, stories and other items to Co-Editor Dianne Mackie at wheatenhaven@rogers.com
Please submit reports, stories and other items to Co-Editor Dianne Mackie at wheatenhaven@rogers.com