Renewals forms are sent out in January each year by email. If you are a member and do not receive a renewal form by email please contact Lana Campbell at

New members can join any time of the year. Download the fillable PDF application here: Evergreen_-NEW-membership New Membership Application

About Us

The SCWTAC is recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club as the national, breed-based organization for the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier (SCWT) in Canada.  The objectives of this Association are to protect and advance the interests of the breed. This includes supporting conscientious and careful breeding according to the CKC Breed Standard, encouraging the organization of Local Section Clubs (LSC) in areas where there are sufficient fanciers of the SCWT and supporting the activities of these local clubs, supporting the training and exhibiting of the SCWT and encouraging sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, obedience trials and other events, making information available on the proper care of SCWT and providing ongoing education on pertinent issues, guarding against the commercial exploitation of the SCWT, and conducting Boosters and Specialty Shows under Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) rules.

It is governed by its Constitution and Bylaws. All members are required to abide by the SCWTAC Code of Ethics. The SCWTAC carries out its responsibilities through its many publications and events.

The primary publication of the SCWTAC is Wheaten Wags. This national publication provides insights into owning and caring for Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers and dogs in general. It also provides information related to events throughout Canada and the U.S. that would be of interest to Canadian Wheaten owners. Other publications developed for owners by the SCWTAC include the SCWTAC Puppy Buyers Guide and the Caring For A Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Manual available through this website.

The SCWTAC carries out many events throughout Canada through its Local Section Clubs. There are currently seven local section clubs located throughout Canada. Events include picnics, walks, grooming seminars, learning opportunities, potluck dinners, breed boosters and many other creative events. Currently, the club has Local Section Clubs in British Columbia, Southern Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, South Central Ontario,  Eastern Ontario, and the Atlantic region. Each club holds local events and some have their own publications and/or websites . On an annual basis the SCWTAC, through a Local Section Club, holds a National Specialty dog show. This event is the primary showcase of the breed. To find out more about these clubs contact the Local Section Club contact from your location.